I have put together a TF2 server using an old computer I have have. Because the hardware is old, the server tends to get lagtastic when it is close to full. The IP is:
Hopefully I'll be able to scrounge together some more money so I can get some better hardware for it. I'm not going to buy new hardware, I know someone with some spare parts so I should be able to get those on the cheap. Either way, this is better than paying monthly for a server that is not that used. For those keeping track, this is my second try at a TF2 server.
After a few years of working on it, I have gotten to the point of "close enough" for my tutorial site, Tutorial Explosion. Still need to work on the submit page, but everything else is done! I am looking for people who would be willing to help out and make some content. If you're interested drop me a PM!
The NGA has been slowing down as of late. Hopefully this next update will help spark some more activity. I am asking the community what they would want to see in this update. If there is something you want to see, post your ideas here.